Extend the Use Of Your Outdoor Spaces With These Safety-Focused Outdoor Lighting Ideas in New Lenox and Frankfort IL | Tunzi & Sons Landscaping


Extend the Use Of Your Outdoor Spaces With These Safety-Focused Outdoor Lighting Ideas in New Lenox and Frankfort IL

Extend the Use Of Your Outdoor Spaces With These Safety-Focused Outdoor Lighting Ideas in New Lenox and Frankfort IL

When you love staying outdoors later in the day but feel apprehensive because it is so dark, these safety-focused outdoor lighting ideas can change the way you use your New Lenox and Frankfort IL landscape. Extend your time outside with these amazing lighting additions.


Start with the Front

Have your landscaper start the illumination with the front of your home. This can be especially helpful if the outside of your home does not have adequate lighting to help you see when you arrive home after dark. Adding custom pillars to the front of your driveway can allow you to see it from the road so you can make a clear turn from the street to your drive. When the pillars are topped with custom iron or copper lanterns, this can add a delightful detail to your yard.

By nestling lighting in the landscape by your driveway can illuminate the surface. This can be especially helpful when it is dark and difficult to see the edges. Extra spotlights on the garage can shine brightly to give you a feeling of peace as you exit your vehicle to go inside. Also, when your home’s exterior has dark corners or spaces where there is no light, be sure to point those out to your landscape professional. They can illuminate those spots that cause you to feel uneasy.

Lighting along the walkway to your front door helps your guests as they navigate the driveway to the door. Include under-step lighting to make ascending and descending easier and stress-free. If your front entry does not have enough light, your landscaper can solve that problem with new fixtures that emit more light and update the appearance of your home.

Go Around Back

Backyard lighting is ideal for enjoying your lovely outdoor space well into the evening. When your landscaper changes the sconces on the wall of your patio and installs fixtures in the surrounding patio landscape for an ambient glow, you can enjoy your patio at any time of the night.

Illuminating the trees with up-lights that highlight the pretty texture of the bark is a great way to light your backyard in a beautiful fashion. When your landscape service varies the distance of the lights, this adds unique shadows and interesting visuals. Down-lights are mounted in the branches for a mottled glow that looks like moonlight sitting on the grass below.

As with the front, if there are dark corners that have no light, this is the time to let your landscaper know where you would like to be able to see more clearly. The trash area and the walkway to the garage are common outdoor spaces that don’t have enough light.

Lighting for Safety

Studies show that homes with outdoor illumination when the sun sets are less likely to have intruders and break-ins because the lighting shines so well that they are more likely to choose a dark home. When you want to see better and increase the safety of your home and landscape, targeting landscape lighting is the answer.

With the various lighting levels and cool/warm color tones, you can customize the look of your lighting plan to your personal preference. This is an investment that pays big dividends.


Since 1989, Bob Tunzi has been designing, installing, and maintaining outstanding landscapes throughout the South Chicagoland area.

His passion for the outdoors led him to complete his education in landscape management and to fulfill certification requirements that set the foundation for a comprehensive landscaping service built on integrity.