Lawn Fertilization Homer Glen IL - Why Law Fertilization Is Central to Spring Lawn Care | Tunzi & Sons Landscaping


Why Lawn Fertilization Is Central to Spring Lawn Care in Homer Glen, IL 

Why Lawn Fertilization Is Central to Spring Lawn Care in Homer Glen, IL

When you see a gorgeous, lush green lawn, chances are good that it has been treated with the ideal ratio of lawn fertilizer to optimize the health and growth. Here are the reasons why lawn fertilization is central to your Homer Glen, IL, lawn maintenance.


What is Grass Fertilizer?

Fertilizer is a combination of nutrients that can improve the growth and health of your lawn. A landscaper uses it to boost the bright green of the leaves and the hardiness of the roots. Composed of three primary nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, fertilizer is essential to feeding your grass since it is not like animals that can find their own food but instead they have to use what is available within the soil.

The nitrogen boosts the growth and green of the grass by helping to synthesize proteins while the phosphorus provides energy for the plant to grow. Potassium is necessary for strong, healthy, roots, stems, and leaves. There are also secondary nutrients in fertilizer that are not as essential but also contribute to grass health. 

How Organic Fertilization Works 

Organic fertilizer provides your lawn with a sustainable food source that is environmentally-friendly. Green fertilizer has many benefits.

No harsh chemicals: Organic fertilizer is composed of ingredients that are naturally found in the earth and therefore will not harm your lawn. One of the dangers of using a fertilizer that is composed of chemicals can be that an application that is too heavy can burn the grass instead of boosting growth. Traditional fertilizer has chemicals that can feed your grass but they might not be ideal because chemicals can bring damage as well as good at times.

Safe: Organic fertilizer is safe for the earth, your children, and your pets. When the nutrition your grass is receiving is earth-friendly, you never have to worry about your pets romping in the grass or about your children playing with their friends outdoors. 

Promotes good health: A healthy lawn is one that is disease-free, weed-free, and withstands environmental stresses like the hot summer days. One of the main ways to discourage these problems can be to encourage vigorous growth and strong roots with a quality organic food source. 

Right ratio: Your landscaper knows that every fertilizer is not made for every grass type and that to bring about the results that you want, the ratio of nutrients matters. They will evaluate your soil for existing nutrition and then supplement with fertilizer to achieve the best food source for your lawn. 

Nurture your turf: Fertilizer nurtures your turf in the same way food nurtures a body. Your landscaper understands the correct application amounts and timing can be the real difference-makers in growing a healthy lawn. Excellent lawn care is about more than just mowing and watering in the spring—the boost of nutrients that comes with green lawn food can be exactly what your grass needs to look its best. 

An outstanding landscape starts with thick, verdant grass that gets its boost from high quality fertilizer that is applied at the ideal time in the spring. Your landscape service help you achieve a stunning property that checks off all the boxes of great health and loveliness. Landscapes that stand the test of time begin with well-cared-for grass.


Since 1989, Bob Tunzi has been designing, installing, and maintaining outstanding landscapes throughout the South Chicagoland area.

His passion for the outdoors led him to complete his education in landscape management and to fulfill certification requirements that set the foundation for a comprehensive landscaping service built on integrity.